Courses Found: 147

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Expired Approved RTF 345 A Political History of Hollywood Cinema CHUM 27F04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved RTF 370 Representing Alterity: Postcolonial French Cinema DHUM 27A10 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved MAN 320F Introduction to Organizational Behavior DSOC 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved ARH 329Q Treasures of French Patrimony: Intro to Social and Poli BCIV 1255A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved HIS 329S Britain and the United States - The Special Relationshi DHIS 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S Geopolitics of Energy DAFF 27A09 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S Britain and the United States - The Special Relationshi DHIS 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 365N Europe After the Crisis DDRO 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S The European Union and the National Political Systems ( DSPO 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved HIS 329S War: Interdisciplinary Approaches DCUL 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved SOC 329S War: Interdisciplinary Approaches DCUL 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved COM 329S Strategies of Influence DECO 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved FR 329S French as a Foreign Language Level B1.2 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved FR 329S French as a Foreign Language Level B2 LFLE 5301 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved KIN 119R Volley Ball HSPO 5560 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved HIS 329S British Political and Social History: 1945-1980s DHIS 27A05 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S Law of International Security DDRO27A11 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S Non-State Actors, Transnationalism, and Diaspora Politi BAFF 1750A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved ECO 305 Innovation Eldorado? Innovation and Economic Developmen DECO 27A18 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved SOC 329S Contemporary Challenges DECO 27A17 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved ECO 305 The Age of the Economist BECO 1850A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved ECO 305 Behavioral Game Theory DECO 27A08 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 335M Political Theory in the Atlantic World DAFF 27A13 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved HIS 329S France is a Woman BCIV 1250A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved FR 329S France-Antilles, A Transatlantic History CHIS 27F08 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved EUS 348 Justice and Politics in 20th Century Europe and the Uni DHIS 27A09 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved HIS 362G Panorama of English History DHIS 27A02 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved FR 317C French as a Foreign Language Level B1.1 LFLE 5201 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S Diplomatic and Consular Relations BAFF 1745A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S Strategic Studies DAFF 27A05 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved EUS 347 Treasures of French Patrimony: Intro to Social and Poli BCIV 1255A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved EUS 348 European Foreign, Security, and Defence Policy BAFF 1740A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved FR 320E French as a Foreign Language Level B1.2 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N City Diplomacy DCIV 27A02 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved SOC 333K Gender: Key Questions of Our Time DHUM 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved WGS 340 Gender: Key Questions of Our Time DHUM 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved HIS 362G Professions, Power, and Politics: Victorian Women's Sub SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved P A 325 Strategic Studies DAFF 27A05 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved GOV 329S The EU and Africa: Co-Construction in Globalization DSPO 27A04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved RTF 370 War on Screens DHIS 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Analyzing Politics Through the Lenses of Game Theory DSPO 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved J 319S How to Read and Decode the News BMET 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved EUS 346 The Quest for Democracy in 19th Century Britain DHIS 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S Key Concepts in U.S. Foreign Policy DSPO 27A02 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S The War in Syria: US and European Policies DHIS 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved HIS 319S The African-American Odyssey From Phyllis Weatley to #B DCUL 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Religious and Ethnic Minorities and Systems of Protecti DSPO 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S Conflicts and International Security DAFF 3060A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved FR 329S A Political History of France CHIS 1960 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved FR 322E French as a Foreign Language Level B2 LFLE 5301 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved HIS 362G Protest and Reform: Social Thought in 19th Century Brit DHUM 27A07 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Expired Approved SOC 329S Sociology of Markets DECO 27A01   SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved FR 611C French as a Foreign Language Level A2 LFLE 51B1 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Populism: The Political Trajectory of a Controversial C DSPO 27A09 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N E.U. Public Diplomacy BCUL 1680A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Social Movements, Human Rights and Democracy DDRO 27A12 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved EUS 308 U.S. - E.U. Diplomatic Relations in the 21st Century DAFF 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved EUS 308 E.U. Public Diplomacy BCUL 1680A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved MES 341 The War in Syria: U.S. and European Policies DHIS 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N International Development: Policy and Practice DECO 27A07 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved EUS 308 The Age of Economists: A History and a Critique BECO 1850A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Innovation Eldorado? Innovation and Economic Developmen DECO 27A18 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N Russia and China: Ambivalent Relations DAFF 27A11 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 365N The War in Syria: US and European Policies DHIS 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S The EU at Sea: European Maritime Diplomacy DAFF 27A17 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved SOC 352 Social Movements, Human Rights and Democracy DDRO 27A12 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved GOV 329S Contemporary Challenges DECO 27A17 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved MKT 340S Business of marketing, Champagne, and Luxury DECO 27A14 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved HIS 329S A History of Great American Cities DHIS 27A10 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved ANT 329S Anthropology of Western Rationality DCIV 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved RTF 306 Introduction to Film Analysis DMED 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved RTF 345 The Birth of Sub-Saharan African Cinema DHUM 27A04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved RTF 328C Questions of Gender in Media and Culture DHUM 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Expired Approved KIN 119R Yoga HSPO SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Expired Approved EUS 329S The Age of Economists: A History and a Critique BECO 1850A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved ANT 324L Decolonizing the Global Ecological Debate: Indigenous A DCUL 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved E 329S Women and Politics through the lenses of Jane Austen an DHUM 27A13 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved FR 601C French as a Foreign Language Level A1 LFLE 50B1 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring, Fall
Approved HED 119S Classical Dance for Beginners HSPO 57065 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GRG 319S Politics of the Ecological Mutation DSPO 27A20 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved RTF 319S Postcolonial French Cinema SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved J 329S Introduction to Digital Governance SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved J 329S Making Sense of Political Speeches SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved J 319S Practical Approaches to Journalism SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M International Organizations SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Dilemmas of a Nuclear-Armed World DAFF 27A04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Refugee Protection DDRO 25A39 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved HIS 529S Modern History   SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 329S European Politics: War and Emotions SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Paris Paris France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 329S International Organizations DDRO 27A18   SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved HIS 319S A History of Communication DAFF 27A29 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved RTF 319S A History of Communication DAFF 27A29 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 329S EU Law and Diplomacy DDRO 27A21 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved TXA 325M Undressing the Systems of Fashion: Fashion as an Object SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved EUS 329S France is a Woman: French History and Culture through t SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M Global Space ASPO 26F00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GRG 229S The Amazon: Ecological, Political, and Socio-Economic I CECO 26F04   SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved T D 301 Theatre BART 26F12 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved ART 319Q Comic Strip BART 26F12 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved POR 610D Portuguese A2 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved POR 601D Portuguese A1 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 329S Law and Ethics of Counter-Terrorism DSPO 27A17 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved BGS 370 Sustainable Development, Consumption, and Corporate Soc DCUL 27A04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 308 The European Union and the National Political Systems ( DSPO 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved ANT 329S History and Cultural Heritage Diplomacy DAFF 27A20 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved LIN 329S Languages of the World, World of Languages DHUM 27A26 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved FR 317C French as a Foreign Language Level B1 + Workshop SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Welfare State and Working Poverty: "Work" in a Post-Cov DECO 27A24 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M IAS Core Common: Great Power Competition BAFF 1770A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Introduction to the Law and Practice of the European Co DDRO 27A23 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Public International Law DDRO 27A33 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Changing Role of Non-State Actors in International Affa DSPO 27A00 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M U.S.-E.U. Diplomatic Relations in the 21st Century DAFF 27A06 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved MKT 340S The Economy of Wine & Champagne DECO 27A22 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Varieties of Regulatory Capitalisms DECO 27A23 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Russian Diplomacy Today DAFF 27A03 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved AFR 370 Regional Organizations and Diplomacy in Africa DSPO 27A36 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Terrorism and the Transformation of Cities DSPO 27A33 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved AFR 329S Africa and the World in the 20th Century DSPO 27A35 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved HIS 529S Narratives, uses and Representations of the Past SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M Politics and Culture of Putin's Russia SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M Energy, Climate and Geopolitics - Contemporary Challeng SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved EUS 319S Walking in the city : the strollers Walking in the city SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved EUS 319S Creating a Self. Introduction to French Theory DHUM 27A11 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Public Policy Failure in the USA and UK: A History in T DHUM 27A33 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved MAN 340S Sustainable Development, Consumption & Corporate Social DCUL 27A04 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 319S British Political and Social History 1945-1980S DHIS 27A05 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 319S The European Union - theory and practice - law and poli SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M World Affairs in Light of International Law SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Spaces of Distinction: Borders, Identities and Mega-Eve DAFF 27A30 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 329S Spaces of Distinction: Borders, Identities and Mega-Eve DAFF 27A30 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved HIS 529S History of Contemporary Worlds, XX-XXI Century AHIS 27A00 (54702) SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 519S History of Contemporary Worlds, XX-XXI Century AHIS 27A00 (54702) SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved SOC 329S The Aesthetics of Law and Law as Aesthetics (Between Se BMET 27A63 (BMET 27A SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Comparative Political Economy of the Welfare State DECO 27A11 (58413) SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved EUS 319S Sociology of Revolutions DSOC 27A13 (58788) SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved GOV 355M Sociology of Revolutions DSOC 27A13 (58788) SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Spring
Approved SOC 329S Walking in the City: Les Flaneuses et Les Flaneurs SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M International Institutional Law SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M Global Politics: Debating Contemporary Issues SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M The Politics and Strategy of UN Peacekeeping SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved SOC 529S Significant Topics of Sociology: Gender SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M The Future of American Foreign Policy SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved GOV 355M Women Leadership in Politics, Diplomacy, Sciences, and SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved EUS 347 Friends or Foes? France, the US and Cinema DHUM 27A44 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved HIS 329S Panorama of English History DHIS 27A02 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall
Approved HIS 329S The Quest for Democracy in Britain DHIS 27A01 SCIENCES PO IN REIMS Sciences Po: Reims Reims France ALL Fall

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