Courses Found: 108

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Expired Approved MIS 240S Skills: Programming for Quantitative Analysis 3,796 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved MIS 240S Data Handling: Import, Cleaning and Visualisation 5,244 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved MKT 240S Action Learning in Marketing: Improving In-Store Profit 7,808 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved O M 240S Business Processes and Information Systems 8,031 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved MIS 240S Business Processes and Information Systems 8,031 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved ECO 229S Health Economics 6260   UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved FIN 140S Monetary Policy and Financial Markets 8170 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved FIN 240S Alternative Investments 8190 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved GER 219S German A1 7,983 and 8,983 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved MIS 240S Ubiquitous Computing and the Internet of Things 8,027 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved CMS 229S Visual Literacy for Management 4,198 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved CLS 329S History: Trauma Narratives 4,603 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved CLS 329S History: The American Western and the American West 8,607 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved COM 229S Distraction: Attention, Intelligence and Digital Media 3,766 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved ADV 329S Gesellschaft/Society: What Advertising tells us about S 4,620 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved SOC 229S Impact Investing: Redefining the Meaning of Return 8,748 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved MAN 240S Being an Entrepreneur - Key Aspects and Challenges 4,158 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved BGS 240S Business and Government: Between Cooperation and Confli 8,367 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved CMS 229S Social Media and US Society 8,723 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved SOC 229S Intercultural Encounters and Relations 8,790 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved SOC 229S Transcultural Politics of Emotions 8,727 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved FIN 240S Asset Liability Management for Insurance Companies 8,178 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved FIN 240S Risk Management and Insurance 8,159 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved PHL 229S Power Games: Philosophical Investigations in Social, Po 8,739 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved FIN 240S Market Microstructure 8,166 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Expired Approved MAN 240S Family Business 7,242 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved GOV 229S Introduction to US Politics 3,316 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved LEB 240S European Economic Law 3,434 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved MKT 240S Shopper Marketing in the Evolving Retailing Landscape 3,194 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved GOV 229S Comparative Politics 5,310 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved ACC 219S Introduction to International Tax Law 7,488 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved AMS 229S Society of Surveillance 7,720 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved GOV 229S Political Science Fundamentals of International Relatio 7,388 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved AMS 229S Technologies: Futures of Science and Technology in Amer 3,724 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved EUS 346 Cultures: Islam in Europe 3,662 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Expired Approved EUS 229S American Grand Strategy: European Colonies to Global Su 3,344 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved HIS 329S History: Socialism and its Critics 3,603 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved MAN 340S Corporate Sustainability Management 7,243 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved MAN 240S Business Performance Management 7,115 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring, Fall
Approved BGS 240S Diversity Impacting Sustainability 7,750 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved MAN 240S Diversity Impacting Sustainability 7,750 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring, Fall
Approved R M 240S Value Based Management in Insurance 9,154 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved R M 240S Insurance Management 5,130 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved HIS 229S Explore Your Phone! A History of Digital Media Told Bac 3,607 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved PSY 229S Responsible Communication - The Psychology of Indian Cu 7,664 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved O M 235 Introduction to Operations Management 3,140 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved MAN 240S Management in the Digital Economy 5,127 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring, Fall
Approved NSC 229S Machine Learning (BBWL) 6,126 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 229S Environmental Economics UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 229S International Macroeconomics UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved B A 240S Derivatives 8,152 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 240S Derivatives 8,152 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 240S Asset Pricing 8,310 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 240S Financial Volatility 8,318 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved HDF 329S Parenting - Cross-Cultural Perspectives 3,660 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved LAS 229S Kulturen/Cultures: Soy, Coffee and Cocaine - Cultural R 7,667 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved PSY 229S Judgment and Decision Making 7,070 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved AMS 229S Geschichte/History: Narratives of American Decline 3,610 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved EUS 229S Increasing Racial and Ethnic Equity in Switzerland 3,621 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved B A 219S International Tax Law 9,452 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved GOV 229S Silk Roads, Old and New: China, Europe, and Central Asi 7,358 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved GOV 229S The Indo-Pacific: Security Issues and Challenges 9,350 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved GOV 229S The Second Nuclear Age: Sorting Out What's New and What 7,383 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 240S Business in Europe 7,375 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 240S Consultancy Project: International Trade 7,397 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 340S International Management 7,249 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 240S RPV Aviation and Space Industry 9,005 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 140S Skills: Business-Government Relations - Issue Managemen 3,785 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved MIS 140S Artificial Intelligence for Health 11,805 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MIS 240S Basics of Cyber Security - from Safe Passwords to Block 4,584 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MIS 240S Digital Thrapeutics Project 11,803 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MIS 240S Emerging Business Models in Digital Health 11,410 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved HIS 229S Geschichte/History: Dark Continent - A History of Europ 4,616 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 229S Gesellschaft/Society: In the Shadows - Economic Relatio 4,631 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved GOV 229S Asia-Pacific Security 6,310 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved GOV 229S Counterterrorism and Radicalization 8,399 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Family Business 8,243 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Enabling Human Potential and Synergistic Collaboration 6,133 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved I B 240S Tourism Systems: Analysis and Sustainable Management UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved BGS 270 Business and Politics: A Risk Perspective UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ACC 240S Accounting Information Systems and Visualisation UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Strategic Management UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Leadership and Human Resource Management UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Creativity and Entrepreneurship UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Drivers and Consequences of Trust UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved STA 240S Machine Learning (BBWL) UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Fall
Approved I B 240S International Management 6,135,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ACC 240S Fundamentals of Sustainability Accounting 6,148,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ACC 240S International Accounting from the Perspective of the CF 6,124,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ACC 240S Accounting, Controlling, Auditing 4,135,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved BAX 240S Image and Audio Data Analysis 4,582,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved BAX 340S Data Analytics II: Empirical Research Methods 4,220,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 219S International Economics 4,304,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 219S Public Sector Economics 6,300,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 229S Economics of Climate Change 6,318,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MIS 240S Machine Learning (BBWL) 6,126,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved BAX 240S Machine Learning (BBWL) 6,126,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MKT 240S Marketing Communications 6,128,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 240S Introduction to Financial Derivatives 6,156,1.00   UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 240S Behavioral Finance 6,262,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved FIN 371M Money, Banking and Finance 6,272,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Entrepreneurship (BBWL) 6,117,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Social Entrepreneurship 6,152,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Management of Industrial Companies 6,114,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Competitive Dynamics and Business Strategy 6,145,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved M 229S Principles of Financial and Actuarial Mathematics 6,141,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved MAN 240S Business and Market Research 6,100,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring
Approved ECO 229S Introduction to Market Design 6,244,1.00 UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN UNIVERSITAET ST. GALLEN St. Gallen Switzerland BBA Spring

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