UT Tower
Cockrell School of Engineering
Pi Sigma Pi Membership Dues: 21-22
Pi Sigma Pi Membership Dues: 21-22

Pi Sigma Pi Minority Academic Engineering Society Annual Dues Pi Sigma Pi Minority Academic Engineering Society Annual $15 Dues can get you a long way in Pi:

- Access to our online test bank

- Opportunities for scholarships

- Free PSP Member Shirt!

- Entered into our raffles during each meeting

- Invitation to our corporate network

- Free events including our 3.0 Dinners, IM sports, Six Flags Social, and more!

After you pay your dues, make sure to come by the Pi Office in EER 2.631 (Office #2.616). There, you can pick up your membership t-shirt and fill out our paid members form!

If you have any questions, please contact Pi Sigma Pi Treasurer: email.

Additional Information:

First Name (required)

Last Name (required)

Email Address (required)

UTEID (required)

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PSP Dues:

Item not subject to sales tax.

For more information, please call (512) 471-5953.

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