UT Tower
School of Nursing
N224 - Assessment Kit - PICK UP ONLY - NO SHIPPING
N224 - Assessment Kit - PICK UP ONLY - NO SHIPPING

Assessment Kit (Used during N224 Health Assessment) The Assessment Kit provides necessary supplies for your N224 Health Assessment Course. You are not required to purchase this kit through UTSON and more than welcome to purchase the items on your own. Included in the kit: sphygmomanometer (BP cuff), thermometer + thermometer covers, hemostats, trauma shears, pen light. The only item not included in this kit is a stethoscope. PLEASE NOTE: *****This kit is NOT the same thing as the N127P lab pack. You HAVE to order the lab pack for N127 separately through the link emailed to you by the School of Nursing.


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For more information, please call (512) 471-7961.

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