UT Tower
School of Nursing
AHA BLS Instructor Candidate Training
AHA BLS Instructor Candidate Training

This course provides registrants the opportunity to become an AHA instructor, who is passionate about saving lives and can facilita learning in a group setting, while teaching learners to understan complex concepts about BLS. An instructor candidate must complete all requirements and align with an approved primary AHA TC (Train Center) authorized by the AHA to teach in that territory before teaching a course other than the initial monitored course. Only instructors aligned with a TC are authorized to teach courses and issue course completion cards. Upon successful completion of this course, Instructors will be able to teach all AHA Basic Life Supp courses including Heartsaver CPR/AED, Family & Friends CPR, K-12 Heartsaver CPR/AED, Heartsaver First Aid, and Pediatric First Aid


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For more information, please call (512) 471-7961.

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