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January Wellness Classes
January Wellness Classes

3 Seminars held over the Month of January


Dr. Brittany Crim will be hosting three seminars over the month of January. LIVE Zoom held Wednesdays fro 12-1pm.

Monthly Topics:

-1/11 - Weight Managemen

-1/18 - Diabetes Education

-1/25 - Healthy You: This class will focus on establishing a healthy lifestyle for the New Year!

All seminars will be recorded and can be provided if you miss. Each seminar is $23. Sign up for ONE or ALL THREE!

Please contact the Fitness Institute at fit@austin.utexas.edu for more information.

Additional Information:

What class would you like to attend? (required)
1/11 - Weight Management 1/18 - Diabetes Edu 1/25 - Healthy You

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