UT Tower
School of Law Commerce
Donate to Tex. J. on C.L. & C.R.
Donate to Tex. J. on C.L. & C.R.

Credit card donations to the Journal.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the progress of student-edited, student-run periodical.

The Journal has several general sponsorship levels and several event sponsorship levels.

General Sponsorship Levels

Platinum - $2,500 and over
Gold - $1,000 to $2,499
Silver $500 $999
Bronze up to $500

(1) Choose ''General Donation'' or ''Event Sponsorship'' from the drop down menu, below.
(2) Enter the amount of your contribution, enter the Quantity in whole dollar amounts, please.
(3) Add to your Cart and Proceed to Checkout.

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4. Would you like soft credit for your gift to be given in the honor of another? If so, please list.

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Item Price:
Tax Deductible Portion:
$ 1.00
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