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Donate to Texas International Law Journal
Donate to Texas International Law Journal

Credit card donations to the Journal.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the progress of our student-edited, student-run periodical.

All donations are very appreciated and you should feel free to contribute any amount you choose.

Additionally, the Journal has several sponsorship levels and can arrange other sponsorship incentives if you desire.

For questions or more information, please contact the TILJ development team at Development@TILJ.org .

Please contact our Director of Development at Development@TILJ.org

(1) Enter the amount of your contribution in the Quantity field to the right; whole dollar amounts, please.
(2) Enter any restricted purpose for your donation, if desired.
(3) Choose 'Yes- anonymous' or 'No- publicize'.
(4) Visit here to see if your company has a matching gift policy, Employer Matching Gift Search.

(6) Add the item to your Cart.
(7) Proceed to Checkout.

Additional Information:

1. Do you wish for your gift to be restricted to a particular purpose?

2. Do you wish for your gift to be publicized? (required)
Yes- publicize No- anonymous

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Item Price:
Tax Deductible Portion:
$ 1.00
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