Report for 08/03/2007

CAMPUS WATCH: Below is a summary of campus activity reported to or observed by the University Police Department patrol officers between Thursday, 08-02-07 and Friday, 08-03-07. * * * * * BOLO * * * * * Theft Suspect: The University of Texas Police Department is currently investigating two laptop computer thefts that occurred inside the Texas Union. The suspect is described as: White female, 19 to 25 years of age, 5'-4" / 5'-7", thin build, with shoulder length curly blond hair, worn in a ponytail. She is described as "very attractive." She was last seen wearing black colored clothing. If you have seen this subject, contact the University of Texas Police Department at: 512-471-4441. BLANTON DORMITORY, 2401 Whitis Ave Criminal Mischief: A UT staff member discovered a second floor dormitory window screen had been cut and the window was unsecured. During the investigation, the officers searched the area and discovered that the area was being renovated. Loss value: Unknown at this time. Occurred on: 8-03-07, at 3:19 AM. PERRY-CASTANEDA LIBRARY, 101 East 21st Street Criminal Trespass Warning: A non-UT subject was discovered sleeping on the 6th floor after the building had closed. During the investigation, the officers learned that the subject was not a current student or employee of the university. The subject was issued a written criminal trespass warning and was escorted from the area. Occurred on: 8-03-07, at 12:20 AM. UNION BUILDING, #4 West Mall Suspicious Package: A UT staff member discovered a clear plastic baggie that contained a green leafy substance outside a second floor lounge. During the investigation, the substance tested positive as marijuana. The marijuana was impounded to be destroyed. Occurred on: 8-02-07, at 9:27 AM. Mark your calendars, because everyone is invited to the annual National Night Out. This year's event will be held on August 7th 2007 at Jasper Park and Gregory Gym Aquatic Center. The fun will begin at 5:00 PM with activities, lots of food, music, and door prizes. For more information contact the University of Texas Crime Prevention Unit at 512-232-9634 or 512-232-9638. Door Prizes to be offered include Kaplan LSAT and MCAT test preps, Vivo's gift card, several Just 4 Fun boat rentals, lots more. Crime Prevention Tip of the Day: The countdown begins. Twenty-two days until Moove-In and the beginning of the Fall 2007 semester. As time gets shorter the "to do" list grows longer, now is a good time for a few reminders: To Do List Mark all of your property with your State issued driver's license number. Remember, property thefts are the number 1 crime at UT. Look into a two-lock locking system when securing your bicycle on campus. Take a few minutes and go online and register your bicycle with UT Parking and Transportation: Today's "to do" list (8-03-07) Preprogram the main telephone number for the UT police department into your son's or daughter's cellular telephone. (512) 471-4441: consider putting this number on speed dial. Incorporate the acronym I. C. E. (in case of emergency) on your son's or daughter's cellular telephone. This will be the telephone number called by EMS, Fire Department, or the police if there is an emergency. CAMPUS WIDE: Non-Criminal Calls: In addition to the above criminal cases, The University of Texas Police Department responded to 38 alarm calls, 3 suspicious activity calls, 1 medical emergency call, 4 suspicious persons reports, and 6 unsecured buildings between 8-02-07 and 8-03-07. Contact UT Police at 471-4441 if you have any information regarding any of the above incidents or call 911 regarding suspicious persons, suspicious activities or crime. Your call may help solve or prevent a crime. Campus Watch comments should be directed to Officer Darrell Halstead at 512-232-9634 or . Prepared by DWH To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit