Report for 05/04/2015

Campus Watch: Below is a summary of campus activity reported to or observed by The University Police Department Patrol Officers between Friday, 05/01/15 and Monday, 05/04/15. ***Retraction*** As many of our long time readers can attest, we typically do not put retractions in the Campus Watch. Today is an exception. This past weekend, the victim of the phone theft who had loaned her phone to a stranger only to watch him walk out of the FAC with her phone, contacted the UT Police Department. She wanted to report there must have been a miscommunication in the reporting process as the report, and subsequent Campus Watch entry, listed the suspect as being from Denmark. The victim clarified and stated the suspect was from San Marcos, Texas – a distinctly different accent altogether. I would still reiterate you should be cautious of loaning anything to a stranger – regardless of their country of origin. BIOLOGY BUILDING, 205 West 24th Street Indecent Exposure / Criminal Trespass Warning: A UT student reported seeing a non-UT subject sitting on a set of steps located by the greenhouse on the south side of the building. As the student walked by the non-UT subject, he noticed the subject had his lower anatomy exposed. The student quickly called the police which led to the non-UT subject’s apprehension. To help prevent the subject from returning to the campus, once he is released, the subject was issued a written criminal trespass warning. Occurred on 05/01/15 at 6:52 PM. JESSE H. JONES HALL, 721 East Dean Keeton Criminal Trespass Warning: A UT staff member reported a non-UT subject as watching inappropriate videos on a common computer which was a violation of library policy. The subject was issued a written criminal trespass warning and escorted from the building. Occurred on 05/02/15 at 4:00 AM. JESTER ACADEMIC, 201 East 21st Street Theft: A cell phone case containing an Apple iPhone 5s, a driver’s license and two debit cards were stolen when they were left inside a 1st floor cafeteria. Loss value: $220.00. Occurred on 05/03/15 between 10:20 AM and 10:50 AM. JESTER EAST, 201 East 21st Street Burglary of Habitation: A brown Tommy Hilfiger wallet containing a debit card, a credit card and two forms of identification were stolen from an unsecured 5th floor dormitory room while the owner stepped out of the room to tend to personal business. Loss value: $20.00. Occurred on 05/03/15 between 12 midnight and 12:10 AM. JESTER WEST, 201 East 21st Street Criminal Mischief: An unknown person pulled an “Exit” sign from its mounting bracket in a 3rd floor hallway. Repair cost: $40.00. Occurred between 05/02/15 at 11:00 PM and 05/03/15 at 11:00 AM. LBJ FOUNTAIN, 2300 Robert Dedman Consumption of Alcohol by a Minor / Possession of Fictitious Driver’s License: UT Police Officers responded to a disturbance involving several people during an outdoor concert. Once peace was believed to have been restored and all parties were free to disperse, one of the rebel rousers displayed his displeasure for the officers’ resolution to the situation by yelling obscenities and making offensive gestures. That subject, who was under the age of 21, was found to have consumed alcoholic beverages and was in possession of a fictitious driver’s license. He didn’t much care for the resolution of the follow-up investigation either. Occurred on 05/02/15 at 7:39 PM. LBJ FOUNTAIN, 2300 Robert Dedman Criminal Trespass Warning: A non-UT patron of an outdoor concert jumped onto the stage during a concert as a publicity stunt. When the subject was stopped, he was issued a written criminal trespass warning and was “run” out of the concert. Occurred on 05/03/15 at 7:35 PM. O’HENRY HALL, 601 Colorado Criminal Mischief: A UT Security Guard noticed images from a video surveillance camera showing the hand of an unknown subject “dismantling” the camera. The Guard reported to the area and found a non-UT subject who immediately began to run from the guard. Responding officers located the fleet-footed subject in a near-by construction site. The subject stated he was “being stupid” and had turned the camera so that it would not capture the image of him relieving himself on the south patio of the building. The moving of the camera caused the camera to break free from its mounting bracket. Repair cost: $50.00. Occurred on 05/04/15 at 12:45 AM. STUDENT ACTIVITY CENTER, 2201 Speedway Improper Photography: A UT student reported a white male subject entered the 1st floor women’s restroom and held a cellphone over the restroom stall door where the student was seated. The student stated the cellphone was positioned in a manner conducive to video recording. The student was able to obtain a description of the subject through a crack between the stall door and stall door frame. The UT Police Department astutely put out a safety alert of the incident to the campus population. Two and a half hours later, an observant subject reported seeing someone matching the description of the subject in the lobby of Almetris Duren Hall. Officers located that subject and identified him as a UT student. The subject admitted to being in the Student Activity Center at the time of the incident, but denied entering the women’s restroom…the investigation continues. Occurred on 05/03/15 at 5:27 PM. TEXAS MEMORIAL MUSEUM, 2400 Trinity Criminal Mischief: An unknown object struck an exterior window between the 2nd floor and 3rd floor. The impact caused a 6” by 2” hole in the window. Repair cost: $200.00. Occurred between 05/01/15 at 5:00 PM and 05/02/15 at 8:00 AM. UNION BUILDING, 2308 Whitis Theft: An Apple iPhone 6 was stolen from a backpack that was left on the east patio of the building. Loss value: $500.00. Occurred on 05/01/15 between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM. The University of Texas Police Department responded to 73 Alarm Reports, 6 Suspicious Activity Reports, 3 “Police Help” Call Box Activations, 22 Traffic Violations, 6 Motor Vehicle Collisions, 19 Suspicious Activity Reports, 15 Public Assist Requests, 5 Medical Emergency Assists, 4 Welfare Concern Reports, 1 Non-Criminal Fire, 1 Stuck Elevator and 3 Unsecured Door Reports between 05/01/15 and 05/04/15. Prepared by: Ofc. WR π/ To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit