Report for 07/23/2015

Campus Watch: Below is a summary of campus activity reported to or observed by The University Police Department Patrol Officers between Wednesday, 07/22/15 and Thursday, 07/23/15. BERLIN, GERMANY Theft: The UT Police Department received a report of the theft of a UT owned cellular telephone from a restaurant a UT staff member was patronizing while on an international business trip. Loss value: $500.00. Occurred on 07/18/15 at approximately 6:00 PM (Berlin time). ENGINEERING TEACHING CENTER, 204 East Dean Keeton Scam: A UT student, and faithful reader of the Campus Watch, reported receiving a phone call from a spoofed City of Austin Police Department telephone number. The caller advised the student of an outstanding IRS debt and demanded payment. The student, recognizing this as a scam from reading the Campus Watch, disconnected the call. Reported on 07/22/15 at 12:29 PM. Crime Prevention Tip: I know this entry seems a little like a shameless add for the Campus Watch – and it is. I know if you are reading this then you are already a loyal reader. Please let others know what the Campus Watch is and encourage them to sign-up for this crime prevention resource. People can sign-up at 2300 Guadalupe Assist Outside Agency: A UT police officer observed a non-UT subject asleep on the city sidewalk. The officer awakened the subject and advised him he could not block the sidewalk and directed the subject to leave the area. Several minutes later, the officer observed the subject again lying down on the same sidewalk. The friendly reminder of the law then turned into an official stop at which time it was discovered the subject had an outstanding outside agency arrest warrant for solicitation in the roadway. The subject was then transported to a place where he would not block any sidewalks. Occurred on 07/23/15 at 2:10 AM. 2400 Guadalupe Disorderly Conduct – Display Deadly Weapon: A UT staff member flagged down a patrolling officer and reported a subject was pointed a folding knife and a fixed blade knife at pedestrians and yelling at them to “Shut up” and to “Go away.” Officers quickly located the non-UT subject and discovered he was in possession of a folding pocket knife and a pair of scissors. The officers felt it was best that the subject was the one that went away and transported him to the local lock-up. Occurred on 07/22/15 at 9:56 AM. 2500 Robert Dedman Possession of Marijuana / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: UT patrol officers drove up on a vehicle that was stopped in the roadway. The shirtless, shoeless owner of the vehicle was seen facing the open trunk of the car. Thinking the subject may be having car trouble, the officers stopped to check his welfare. Upon approaching the subject, the officers learned he was actually playing a keyboard the subject had set-up in the trunk of the car. The subject freely admitted to having a jar of watermelon pieces that he was fermenting in the trunk of the car. The subject went on to claim he needed to add a sports drink to the pre-wine mixture but only after being directed to do so by “the aliens.” When asked if he had anything else in the car, the subject stated he had a pipe that he used for smoking marijuana and .19 ounces of marijuana. Occurred on 07/23/15 at 3:39 AM. The University of Texas Police Department responded to 22 Alarm Reports, 1 Fire Alarm, 2 “Police Help” Callbox Activations, 9 Suspicious Activity Reports, 11 Traffic Violations, 2 Motor Vehicle Collisions, 2 Unsecured Door Reports, 1 non-Criminal Fire, 1 Stuck Elevator, 1 Medical Emergency Assist Request, and 4 Public Assist Requests between 07/22/15 and 07/23/15. Prepared by: Ofc. WR π/ To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit