Report for 05/20/2016

Campus Watch: Below is a summary of campus activity reported to or observed by The University Police Department Patrol Officers between Thursday, 05/19/16 and Friday, 05/20/16. ****Commencement Announcements**** Tomorrow marks the end of another school year. The University of Texas at Austin Police Department would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the graduating class. We wish you well as you set out to “Change the World” and we hope your time on the 40 Acres has you well prepared to do just that. While commencement is a time for reflection and celebration for many, please know that the police department is still on-duty and ready to provide services for those in need of assistance. Today and tomorrow, the campus will be inundated with graduates, their friends, their proud family members, elated faculty, and staff members who helped the graduates along the way. If anyone finds themselves in need of police services, please take advantage of one of the many ways to contact us. We can be reached at 512-471-4441 (option 9), by one of the several “Police Help” callboxes around campus, or by 9-1-1. If nothing else; look around, you will probably see one of several police officers who will be all around campus. Feel free to walk right up to an officer and ask for assistance. With the hustle and bustle of commencement, there may well be thieves lurking around the campus looking for an opportunity to commit a theft. The police department wants to remind everyone to keep their purses, backpacks, cameras, and valuables with you as you visit the campus. Do not leave valuables in your vehicle, make sure you roll your vehicle windows up, and close and lock your car doors. If you have an office on campus, make sure you secure your office before leaving work today. If your office space has an alarm system, make sure to set-it up before leaving as well. Graduates; commencement is a wonderful time of life. Many of you will be celebrating throughout the weekend and that celebration is well deserved. Keep in mind that your entire future is before you. Do not barter that future by overdoing your celebration. Everything in moderation and as we have always said – a sober friend is always the best prevention for tragedy due to alcohol emergencies. Congratulations graduates! We have enjoyed having you with us. Good luck and be safe! CHEMICAL PETROLEUM ENGINEERING, 200 East Dean Keeton Graffiti: Five different colors of spray paint were used to write words, numbers, and to draw images on an exterior wall located on the south side of the building. Removal cost: $200.00. Occurred between 05/18/16 at 5:00 p.m. and 05/19/16 at 11:00 a.m. PARKING LOT 118, 1700 Red River Driving Without a License / Possession of Drug Paraphernalia: A non-UT subject was stopped for driving a vehicle with no front license plate. The driver of the vehicle did not have a driver's license issued to him. A suspicious odor wafting from the vehicle led to the discovery of two pipes containing burned residue of the sativa plant. Occurred on 05/19/16 at 7:56 p.m. The University of Texas Police Department responded to 15 Alarm Reports, 3 Suspicious Activity Reports, 7 Suspicious Person Reports, 2 Suspicious Vehicle Reports, 23 Traffic Violations, 1 Traffic Control Request, 1 Courtesy Escort, 10 Foot Patrols, 1 Gas Leak Report, 1 Welfare Concern Report, and 3 Public Assist Requests between 05/19/16 and 05/20/16. Prepared by: Officer William R. Pieper To subscribe or unsubscribe, visit