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CENTER Publications CENTER: Architecture and Design in America Series
CATEGORIES: Friends of Architecture CENTER Publications CENTER: Architecture and Design in America Series Centerline Series O'Neil Ford Series Other Publications Buy Single Articles Tau Sigma Delta Membership Design Futures Forum 2016 Career Fair Registration Summer Academy Symposium on Eco Wisdom Registration Study Abroad
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Center 21: The Secret Life of Buildings - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 46.00
Center 22: Latitudes 3 - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 40.00
Center 23: A I R - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 40.00
Center 24: Decolonizing the Spatial History of the Americas - $ 40.00
CENTER 2: Ah, Mediterranean! Twentieth Century Classicism in America - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 22.00
CENTER 1: Architecture for the Emerging American City - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 22.00
CENTER 10: Value - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 22.00
CENTER 11: Value 2 - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 22.00
CENTER 12/13: The Good Building/Pressing Style - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 22.00
CENTER 14: On Landscape Urbanism - CENTER: Architecture and Design in America $ 27.00
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